Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Myspace Profile: Mustache May

I love the barrage of Mustache Tribute Sites. Here's another one to add to the list:


This has become a MySpace profile favorite of mine.

A very lovely profile picture of President William Taft graces the cover of this MySpace Profile.

The profile also hosts a Moustache Contract 2007

Famous Moustaches grace the photo album of this profile. To my liking, Bruce Lee made the list.

Charles Bronson was made the May 4th Hero and rightly earned.

None other than New York Yankee Great, Don Mattingly, received May 1st Hero Honors.

This blogsite Salutes you for your valiant efforts in spreading the good word of Moustaches.

Official Day Eight


kidstatic says: everybody everybody get your swole on.


Day Eight Outakes